Wizzard Match 3
For Creativision
Wizzard Match 3 is a bare-bones bejewelled/candy-crush type game for Creativision (eg Dick Smith Wizzard) written in C and compiled with cc65.
How to play
Get the emulator: https://sourceforge.net/projects/creativisionemulator/
creatiVision.exe -r $f match3.bin bios/bioscv.rom
How to Compile
First copy my modified creativision.cfg file into the cfg of your cc65 folder. This modification makes the compiler output an 8k bin. Then ...
cl65 -t creativision match3.c -o match3.bin
Real hardware
(Easier said than done!)
- burn the bin to a 27c64 (8k EPROM)
- install EPROM into a 8k cartridge (eg Sonic Invader)
Notes on C & Creativision
cc65 is awesome, but with Creativision there are a number of challenges:
- BASIC makes creating custom characters, setting colours, and plotting chars on screen easy, but in C it all has to be done with POKES!
- I used pokes to write to video ram & the video chip in order to define custom chars, set colours & draw on the screen. This required me to actually read the TI VDP manual!
- video timing problems: For one, I had to use 'slowpokes' ... putting too many pokes() inline is too fast for the video chip to keep up. Clrscr() still doesn't work reliably on real hardware. Just because it works on emulator doesn't mean it will work on real hardware!
- I had to configure cc65 to build a 8k ROM, the default is 4k
- 8k of ROM only provided space for about 300 lines of C, so in the end there was a bit of code-golf to be had.
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