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Review: American Beauty
by raven, 2000-02-07 21:24:27. No #644.

I have been hesitating on reviewing this movie because of all the rave reviews about it being the best movie of the year and how fan-arse-tastic it was. I disagree, then decided it was perfect to review. American Beauty is simply the story of a father,husband, and an unsatisifed employee tired of his boring life but doesn't quite have the balls to change it to make himself happy. That is until he meets the new neighbour's son and thru drugs and the way this guy behaves he realises that there is more too life ..how ironic! Now my moan with this flick: I love Kevin Spacey so i went to see it ,thought he was fantastic in Usual Suspects and Seven, but in this i thought his character was lame and the voice over story was so unnecessary that, in fact, it took somehting away from the movie. Kevin is better as a bad guy (adorable little killer in seven and evil Kyser in Usual Suspects) not as a suburban family man. Puke Puke . This flick had no surprises (if it did, you should get out more!) and was unfortunately bland. It tried to have too many twists and shit and basically didn't go anywhere with any of them. Two Tacos.. hold the chilli... this movie had no spice.

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